Welcome to the 97th Edition of the Christian Carnival!Glad you made it! I'm fired up with enthusiasm for this week's - the 97th! - publication of the Christian Carnival. If this is your first time here, relax, have fun, and enjoy the show. To guide you through all the attractions, I've clustered the entries into various "rides" like you might find at a County Fair. This is a carnival, after all. We'll start off with some lighter attractions and progressively work our way down the midway to some more challenging rides. Along the way, I'm sure you'll meet new friends and experience a few adventures. Again, enjoy the day. And tell a friend.
Let's Start Out With a Classic RideJohn Willis from Baptist Revivals Blog celebrates the good news, Texas Baptists elect first black president. Quote: "When Baptists are united with each other in fulfilling the Great Commission given to us by Christ Himself, the witness to this sin-sick world will be astounding!" News source: HoustonChronicle.comKim Bloomer of Sharing Spirit writes about having a Gracious Gratitude, "I remember when I was growing up, the holidays were as much about giving thanks to God and sharing, as they were about gifts, food, and tradition."Richard Anderson in dokeo kago grapho soi kratistos theophilos "describes a visit he and his daughter made to Emanuel Lutheran Church." Read about it in Black and Lutheran.Phil Dillon of Another Man's Meat writes about "some things to be thankful for at a particularly nasty period of American history" in We Gather Together.
Next Up, the Famous Ferris WheelKemp Skidmore from Stand Up Christians And Be Heard is concerned about The Double Standards of Life. Abortion is legal and yet . . . Quote: "[I]f a fetus is lost due to a crime, then the person that committed the crime is charged with the original crime along with Murder / involuntary Manslaughter of the fetus. . . .So can you see The Double Standards of Life?" Rev Bill Hayes has a Response to Phil about Pat Robertson: "As Christians, we need to make sure we do notcome across as condeming others we disagree with." Kim Anderson's Mother-Lode examines "the Islamic riots in France, detailing two radically different responses to oppression" in Radical Response.
Now We're Heading Toward the Sky SwingsMark Olson of Pseudo-Polymath writes, "Every day counts. Reflections on comparisons between the Christian journey and athletic endeavour" in his post, On Urgency.Scott at No Mirth At All writes about The Sacred and The Secular, in a "post about Christian world-views dealing with some basics of day to day living."Steve Pavlina's Personal Development Blog presents, quote, "An original take on the role of tithing in wealth generation."Rey at The Bible Archive has "just a real short thought on the need to be thankful and what to be thankful for" with Praying a Thanksgiving Prayer.cwv warrior of Christianity is Jewish continues "a tale of two saviors and what it means for the Christian warrior. 'Sit at My right hand until I make Your enemies a footstool for Your feet.' Not for the faint hearted" with Yeshua.Rev Ed at Attention Span "remembers a friend who slowly fell away from his faith" in The Downward Slide.Clement Okon, of the Nigerian Commercial Bank, writes: "Dear Sir/Madam, I have urgent and very confidential business proposition for you. A Foreign Oil consultant/contractor with the National Petroleum Corporation, made a deposit valued at US$26,500,000.00 . . ." (Moderator's note: Hey, it came forwarded for submission!)
Are You Brave Enough for the Thriller?John Luke Rich from Blogcorner Preacher makes the case that, contra the evangelical outpost's position, one can lose sight of the unchanging nature of God by Parsing the Trinity. Quote: "I suggest that what distinguishes us from Jews and Muslims is not the nature of the God we worship, it is the nature of our understanding of God."Jeff the Baptist states in Consumer Christianity: "Rev Ed has a good discussion about Christian merchandise and representing the faith. It is a good piece and he makes a good case for buying Christian merchandise to create ministry opportunities. I'm going to play a little devil's advocate. Hopefully not too literally."Abednego at Parableman says, "Scott Adams, creator of Dilbert, has some unexpected words to say about Intelligent Design." He talks about it in Scott Adams on Intelligent Design. Adam Graham at Adam's Blog "responds to a liberal's attacks on Christian efforts to stop ACLU bullying this Christmas season" in his post,
Spaulding Hot Irony: Why Doesn't the ACLU Start a Soup Kitchen?Brandywine Books shares "some simple thoughts on the riots in France" with Secularism Won't Build a Healthy Country.
And Now the Grand Finale Coaster RideJay's article, The Correlation of Sacred Scripture with Church Tradition, at Deo Omnis Gloria "examines the relationship between the Bible and Tradition. It started with a comment at our blog and developed into an analysis of the relationship and dependencies of Scripture and Tradition."Kenny Pearce of KennyPearce.net reports in Ivy League Elitist ... Porn? "on the University of Pennsylvania's use of student activities money to fund the publication of Quake, a pornographic magazine being produced by students here. The author is a current Penn undergraduate." Well, if you've made it this far down the midway, you've probably noticed that you or your favorite blogger's post isn't up yet. That's because I got behind getting ready for Thanksgiving. The rest of the entries (there were over 60 I believe) are in part 2 below. So, keep your ticket and come again any time. Oh, and by the way, Happy Thanksgiving!
And the same to you Lyn Perry. The carnival is lovely!
Thanks! Realy enjoyed (and am enjoying right now) reading the posts and organizing the carnival. Glad you came! lgp
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