Secrets of the Millionaire Mind
Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth
by T. Harv Eker (2005 HarperBusiness)
And mastering the "inner game" is exactly right. The strength of this book lies in the helpful explanation of the "Money Blueprint" that each of us has grown up with. We each have a subconscious "financial blueprint" that may or may not be set for success. (And if yours isn't "set" on alert, then reading this post will not help because you'll simply dismiss what you are reading or skip it all together.)
This is explained in Part I - how each of us is conditioned to think and act a certain way when it comes to money. Our thinking has been programmed by the attitudes and actions of people that have influenced us, typically our parents. But the good news is that we can implement some key strategies so that we can revise our mental money blueprint.
Part II examines the differences between how rich, middle-class, and poor people think. And it's true, we think differently at different socio-economic levels. The author then provides 17 attitude and action exercises that will lead to a change in our thinking and thus a subsequent change in our financial life - if we take action!
The basis for this change - any change really - is this simple formula: Thoughts lead to Feelings lead to Actions lead to Results. The challenge is to change our thoughts - and this is done by re-programming what we think and believe about wealth and money. We've already been programmed by our past. Let's take control of our thinking and re-program our minds so that our future isn't simply a repetition of the past.
Like most other books of this nature, the author's strength is practical in nature not theological. He mixes a bit of God talk in for good measure but doesn't provide a solid biblical basis for his thesis. The scriptural arguments exist, but T. Harv Eker is not biblically equipped to deal with them. This is unfortunate as many who are seeking help here from a spiritual perspective will come away with something less than satisfying. But, that being said, the principles he espouses are solid and (can be) life changing.
I was just going over many of these thoughts with my son.
He is going over the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University stuff and it is leading to some great conversations.
This is great stuff.
Thanks for the link to the picture. Have a very blessed Easter!!!
Financial Peace, Crown Ministries, and such are great resources from a biblical and practical perspective. Thanks for mentioning them. So many people think it's all about getting rich (when these books speak of wealth or success) when in reality many of them (not all, granted) want the readers to be good stewards, seek balance, and give back to society. But again, apart from God most of these books leave a believer dissatisfied with the process. Or some, like the Secret, are downright idolatrous. lgp
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